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Get Your Premium Calculator Bundle

Are your investors begging for BRRR deals so they can recycle their capital and continue buying properties with you? Our in-depth calculator factors in variables like holding costs that others may not be thinking of. Take into account appraisal and monthly interest when analyzing deals.

Short-term rentals are the talk of the town. With so many variables that come into play though, what’s the best way to abate the deal? Our calculator breaks down the deal by all the expenses you may (or may not) have thought of, while giving you the ability to easily run the analysis based on monthly income (for seasonal properties) or an average over the months with the toggle of a button.

The strategy that kicked off Jennifer’s portfolio is house hacking - show your investors how to pay minimal down and have their tenants pay off their mortgage, while having a place to live. Once they’ve occupied the property for a year, rinse and repeat. Our calculator will help you analyze the deal for your investors today and after move-out. Name a better way to build equity, I’ll wait.

That's a total value of $291!

  • Total payment
  • 1xPremium Calculator Bundle for Agents$97

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